
Major Languages

There are many major languages spoken across Alaria, as well as even more minor ones.

Northern Commonfolk

Northern Commonfolk is the most used language across Alaria. The language is native to much of the central region of Clueanda, but speakers exist in nearly every major trading port.

Locations of Native Speakers


Spoken in Urok as well as all of the West Isles and Mueras. Also spoken in Roule and the northwestern regions of Upoceax.


Orcish is spoken by the orcs of northwestern Clueanda.


Gorathi is spoken primarily by natives of Gorath, but as Gorath grows, so does the influence of its langauge.


Ylindian is spoken by much of Upoceax, the Free Isles, and western Aboyuinzu.

Minor Languages


Many of the elves still speak their own dialects of Elven, which stemmed from Druidic. Most elves can roughly understand each other when speaking in their native elven tongue, if they have one.


Unlike elven, dwarven tongues have mostly died out, as the dwarves pick up the languages of their neighboring trade partners. However, some locations still exist where various dialects of dwarven are still spoken.

Countries of Aboyuinzu

Many of the countries here speak different langauges, that are only spoken within their country.

Tribal States

Most tribal states speak languages that are only native to that region.

Deoric: The Language of Absolutes

Deoric was once spoken by the titans who long ago inhabited Alaria. It is the language of absolutes—things spoken in Deoric must occur, if there is power behind the words. Now, however, it is used by dark mages to perform powerful magic. The language is extremely complex, and takes centuries to learn, but unlocks great power.

This power comes from spiritual sacrifice, usually by killing a sentient creature and performing a ritual.

Last modified: Wed Oct 16 22:06:42 2024