Tags: monster
Spirit slaves, usually kept in jars and other small containers. Manifst as blue, translucent ghost when eleased (almost like hologram). Usually kept by Sheîr merchants, fortune tellers, and other wealthy individuals. These trapped slaves must act as advisors to their owner, who can release them at any time. Usually, the indentured servitude lasts 15 or more years before the spirit is released.
Ven are created by capturing a spirit from a dying body. It’s a horrible thing to do, but super useful. You can farm them for all of their information—they can be personal advisors/“friends” to you as you go about your life. Can’t be released unless their jar is broken, but they can’t do that since they have no physical form. Will sometimes try to trick masters into breaking thier jars.
Last modified: Wed Oct 16 22:06:42 2024