Piktiniti Desert

Tags: desert

A vast, arid desert (less sand, more shrubland). All the water beneath the desert is leeched out by the Everwood in the north. The sandy soil contians trace amounts of twyl, a crystal that magically produces oxygen.

Beneath the desert are the ruins of the Postronamas Empire, an incredibly powerful civilization that used the powers of twyl to become incredibly powerful themselves. Large, crystal caves were used for meditation by their leaders, granting them fabulous powers. huge crystal caverns beneath the ground. Tons of crystals available, but can drive you mad from their music. Permeates mind unless you are literally deaf? Literally too dumb to think?

The desert is dominated by giant insects, which flourish in the oxygen rich environment. Every 7 years, the locusts hatch and ravage the surface of anything edible. Large scorpions hunt the insects.

Desert also contains Sand Dragons, not true dragons, but still quite dangerous.

Most of the plants are filled with parasites and will fuck you up.

Tumbleweeds of massive wasp nests roll across the desert.

Sidewinders will fuck you up

Plants that give off the smell of “clean water”. Fools water attunement too. Very large, sub-sand venus-fly trap.

Last modified: Wed Oct 16 22:06:42 2024